Earl Owen, known as the Father of Microsurgery
micro instruments, microscopes and new operations to save congenitally
abnormal babies from dying at birth in the 1960s. He succeeded. One day
a 2 year old child came to Emergency with his index finger amputated
cleanly. With his new Zeiss Operating Microscope and the research
experience from even smaller children, he replanted that index finger
successfuly (1970), and set up in one of
Sydney's Major University Hospitals the world's first Microsurgery
Reconstruction Center.
Professor Owen has a strong interest and commitment to musicians' health: a gifted and accomplished pianist himself, Professor Owen has developed and designed ergonomic chairs for musicians and is much in demand internationally to advise musicians on health issues in relation to hand and muscle injuries. He is well known among international musicians' for his career-saving assistance and advice.